Doja Allen



Adedoja Allen is the current Managing director/CEO of City105.1FM. She has a sterling academic and professionally distinguished career chronicle. She holds an MBA from the Lagos Business School/ IESE Business School Navarra Barcelona, an MSc in Business and Information Technology from Aston Business School Birmingham UK and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Ibadan. For one without a journalism background, she has deep financial insight into business journalism. This has made her stand out in an extremely competitive industry.
Her prominent accounting work at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), a highly respected broadcasting corporation in the UK, honed her skills, giving her a highly competitive edge before she returned to Nigeria in 2007.

In 2010, she assumed the top leadership position of an urban radio station City105.1FM as the Managing Director/CEO at the time when the station was facing insolvency. In her first 3 years, she steered the station to the path of profitability and moved it from the 24th position to the top 10 most preferred by listeners in Lagos. This feat gives credence to her as a highly accomplished executive with a knack for re-engineering teams and organizations into profitability. Proved by the fact that many legacy media, seek to adopt her 360-degree modern approach to the business of journalism, which includes leveraging on every asset and exploiting the power of digital media.

Adedoja Allen is one of Nigeria’s eminent entrepreneurs who has shown doggedness and female brilliance in subduing the latest broadcasting challenges in Nigeria. She strongly believes that change is possible with the right mindset, systems and of course the right team to drive the change
She is happily married and family oriented and has been instrumental in developing projects and platforms geared towards wholesome individuals, healthy homes and ultimately, a thriving society.

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