According to Fabiyi, Adura reached out to him on social media, claiming to have a video of the altercation, which allegedly led to Mohbad falling down the stairs. Fabiyi also connected the video to the disturbing image of Mohbad’s bent neck in his casket, hinting at foul play. He said the video was briefly sent to him, but the conversation ended before he could obtain a full version.
The allegations have sparked mixed reactions online. While some have questioned Adura’s motives in withholding such potentially important evidence, others have criticized Fabiyi for his handling of the situation. Mohbad’s mother even interrupted Fabiyi at the press conference, tearfully defending her son and slamming the actor for his remarks.
This controversy has fueled ongoing discussions about Mohbad’s tragic death, with many demanding further investigation into the singer’s final days. The mystery surrounding the circumstances of his passing continues to raise eyebrows, and social media is divided over the latest claims.
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